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Biography of Fabio Doplicher

Fabio Doplicher was a poet, playwright and author of texts for radio and television, particularly with programmes on poetry.

The biography written by his brother, Sergio, as cited below, clarifies how Fabio Doplicher made best use of his talents as intellectual and cultural animator.

“Fabio Doplicher was born in Trieste in 1938, he lived in Rome from 1954 to 2001 and died in Turin in 2003. A poet and playwright, he wrote texts for radio and television and collaborated with Rai, particularly with programmes on poetry. He founded and directed the magazine “Stilb Spettacolo-Scrittura-Spazio” and the various editions in the “Quaderni”. He curated cycles of critical poetry readings and meetings, the event “Poesia della metamorfosi” (1982) and the international centre by the same name, which he held found with billboards and programmes. In collaboration with C.T.M. - Circuito Teatro Musica - for three years, he helped organise “Il teatro dei poeti a Roma”. He co-wrote critical essays and reviews for numerous Italian and foreign magazines and various newspapers. For sixteen years, he worked as theatre critic for the magazine “Sipario”.

In 1985, he won the Montale Prize with his work “La rappresentazione.

He also published collections of poems written in the Trieste dialect.

Selected works

l girochiuso, Roma, 1971

I giorni dell’esilio, Manduria, 1975

La notte degli attori, Roma, 1980

La rappresentazione, Roma 1984

Curvano echi dentro l’universo, Foggia, 1985

L’edera a Villa Pamphili, Bergamo, 1989 Esercizi con la mia ombra, Marina di Minturno, 1995

Compleanno del millennio, Torino, 2001

Poems in Triestine dialect

El sburto, Pordenone, 2003

Viagiar a casa mia, Marina di Minturno, 2005 (posthumously)

El putel orbo, Trieste, 2010 (posthumously)

Selected bibliography

PAGNANELLI R., Fabio Doplicher, Latina, 1985

AA. VV. Fabio Doplicher (1938 – 2003) Viaggiatore di poesia. Mostra documentaria 19 dicembre 2007 – 12 gennaio 2008, Trieste, 2007

DOPLICHER S. ROSSELLA V., La poesia e i pensieri : l'opera di Fabio Doplicher un decennio dopo, Roma, 2015

External link

Fabio Doplicher “Una serata futurista”, Teche RAI

Fabio Doplicher, Teatro Stabile Torino

Stilb, Rivista di spettacolo


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