Fulvia Mainardis is an associate professor of Roman History and Latin Epigraphy, a member of the teaching board of the School of Specialisation in Archaeology (Trieste, Udine, Venice) and of the PhD School (Venice, Trieste, Udine). He is a member of the Curatorial Board of the ‘P. Revoltella’ Museum of Modern Art in Trieste and is the University's scientific referee for the International Centre for Studies on the History and Archaeology of the Adriatic. He is currently president of the Centre of Upper Adriatic Antiquities and vice-president of Terra Italia Onlus. He deals with issues related to Romanisation, onomastics, linguistic and alphabetic interference between Romans and non-Romans, political and administrative history, ancient economy (instrumentum), epigraphic forgery and the use of new media for teaching and epigraphy.