Donations to SmaTs

The smaTs issues a call for collaboration to all individuals, artists, scientists, businesses, foundations, and patrons interested in promoting culture and enhancing the preservation of local heritage through donations of artworks and funding methods (e.g., Art Bonus), with the aim of building a participatory approach to museums, and fostering increased public-private collaboration.

For further information, collaboration or donation proposals, please send an email to:
smaTs coordination office
Dott.ssa Maria Cristina Pinzani
Dott.ssa Elisa Zilli


    Send a message

    “A Trieste mi piaceva arrivare...”: art gifts for the University's Centennial.

    Artists whose works (photographs, drawings, paintings, graphics, sculptures) were donated to the University Museum System for the Centennial, either directly by the authors or by heirs or collectors. Contributors include Roberto Costella, Massimo Degrassi, Paolo Quazzolo, Paolo Sorzio, Lorenzo Michelli, Ryts Monet, Maurizio Lorber, Valter Sergo, Monika Verzár Bass, Cristina Cocever, and Paolo Bernardis. The list includes artists/(of the broadest background, witnessing the vitality of current artistic expressions far beyond academic forms or localist recognition. Their works were received from heirs, collectors and the artists themselves. All have accepted the proposed donation to commemorate, through these works, the centennial anniversary of UniTs. The result is an extraordinary update of the University's Art Gallery, which opens and enriches with works documenting contemporary forms, themes and languages. It is in the whole about a hundred works, from graphic art to sculpture, photography, painting on canvas and drawing. The works will be presented to the university community, various RVG authorities and the wider public on Dec. 20 from 2-4 p.m. in the University's Great Hall. Invited artists and donors, with a PPoint, some art historians and donors will explain the significance of the various works and profile the artists. The initiative is by the smaTS. Translated with (free version)
    L’iniziativa è dello smaTS.

    Amatruda Claudia (da Ryts Monet)
    Arduini Andrea (da Ryts Monet)
    Benvenuti Arturo (da Paola Benvenuti e Paolo Favarato e Roberto Costella)
    Caenazzo Matteo (da Laura Modolo)
    Cantà Vanni (da Massimo Degrassi)
    Cerone Giacinto (da Bruno Callegher)
    Cocever Vittorio (da Cristina Cocever)
    Coral Gianpaolo (da Monika Verzár Baas)
    Cristofoletti Eugenio (da Alberto Adami)
    Cristofoletti Ciro (da Alberto Adami)
    Cy Twombly (da Bruno Callegher)
    de Comelli Luciano (da Annalisa de Comelli e Monika Verzar Bas)
    de Denaro Furio (da Roberta Dittura de Denaro e Zilli Elisa)
    Devidè Patrizia (da Lorenzo Michelli)
    Kanizsa Gaetano (Michela Spanghero e Paolo Bernardis)
    Mascherini Marcello (Nerina Pancino)
    Modolo Laura
    Psacharopulo Alice (da Stefano e Giovanni Casaccia)
    Pulze Giovanni (da Valter Sergo)
    Ravalico Scerri Paolo (da Lorenzo Michelli)
    Rietti Arturo (da Anna Caterina e Yardenith Rietti e da Maurizio Lorber)
    Roma Serse
    Sbisà Carlo (da Marina Sbisà e Massimo Degrassi)
    Schott Sbisà Mirella (da Marina Sbisà e Massino Degrassi)
    Sedmach Manuela (da Lorenzo Michelli)
    Sillani Djerrahian Mario (da Lorenzo Michelli)
    Steiner Robert (da Monika Verzár Bass)
    Tagliapietra Artemio (da Paolo Sorzio)
    Velišček Aleksander (da Lorenzo Michelli)
    Vietri Tullio (da Silvia Vietri e da Roberto Costella)
    Zandegiacomo Pedra (da Bruno Callegher)
    Žerjal Ivan (da Lorenzo Michelli)

    All artists